Punk Rock Girl

Friday, August 26, 2016

Life's Little Truths...

Since I am lazy and do not want to re-write this entire post.. I am posting the link to a blog that has for to long remained private.. and it's time to bring it out, into the light..


So, here goes... "Bipolar Girl Says What"... the latest post!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

It's that time of year again... Valentine's Day is almost upon us!! This year, I am trying super hard to do something fun, not just for the kids or the hubby.. But both!!! Found some seriously AWESOME crafty stuff over there on that Pinterest!! Hope the hubby and the kids love their valentines as much as I've loved planning and putting it all together for them!!

Monday, December 10, 2012


It's really hard being a Mommy..You've got all these decisions to make, and you've got to worry about how they affect your kids.... I'm really struggling right now... With a HUGE change for Delilah. She's been doing a really fun/great Joy School. It's been super great and fun for her... It's totally NOT my thing. But I suck it up because I want to do what's best for my kid. Well the past few times, I've noticed..that she's seeming a little bored. I know that she has big siblings to contend with, and I am sure that plays a part. She's really smart, and she likes to be challenged. She counted to 100 today while we were driving home from some errands with minimal help. That's Huge considering that she is 4!! She knows all her ABC's, can write her name. She can almost right all her siblings names as well.  I wonder if Sam and I were a little spoiled with Molly, and the Pre-School program she was in last year... It was Awesome!!! She (Molly) is now in Kinder, and can read at a 1st grade level. We want that for Delilah too!! I am nervous, because she is going to be on the younger end when she starts Kinder... And as her Mom, I want to know that I have done all that I can to make sure she is prepared.

It saddens me a little to know, that she won't be attending her Joy School again in the new year, but I feel as if there is a Huge weight off my shoulders. I know that we are making the right choice for her and for our family. I also know that this means that I will totally have to buckle down and really work with her, But I don't think that it would be an issue. She loves to sit and do Homework when Molly does hers. I know that she is excited for the changes as well, seeing as how she's been asking to go to her "other" preschool class... Guess I should've taken the hint the first few times!! :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stephen's 5th Grade Finale!!

This is what all the Grandparents are being sent to commemorate Stephen, and his "Finale" from the 5th grade. I am still in shock just a bit, that my oldest child will no longer be attending Elementary school. He starts J.R. High in the fall...I think I might cry!!! I am sure he will love every minute of it, and he's gonna do great....but it's still a little heart wrenching knowing that my oldest baby truly is growing up!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


 have a feeling this is going to be one of the BEST Mother's Days yet.....I've started off the weekend on such a high..Met a mom at school today, who has a son with VERY similar issues to my Caleb. She has him enrolled in a local charter school, and has seen such a difference!! I am so excited to see if it might be a good fit for my Caleb as well. Then he (Caleb) came home with the Biggest smile, and a sweet little note for me..

Someday... By Caleb

Someday I will be a painter
... Someday I will go to England
Someday I will be a paleontologist
Someday I will get married
Someday I will be a chef
Someday I will be a dad
Someday I will get a clog
But just for Right now, I am happy as Your Son.

I want all these "someday" to happen for him. I want to see him happy, and healthy, and loving his life. I am nervous about making the school change again, but I know that he needs to be somewhere, where he can thrive.....maybe a fresh start that is JUST about him is just what the ticket is!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Caleb's Getting Baptised!!

Hard to believe that my sweet little guy is already 8!! But yet, here we are planning another baptism!! He has grown up so much, and we cannot wait to watch him grow some more!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Molly's First Day of Pre-School

Such a sadappy day in our house!! My sweet little Mimi went off to her very 1st day of pre-school!! So proud, so sad!! She did great, she got up and dressed and out the door, with time for pictures and donuts even!! She was a little apprehensive when we got in the class room, but I am sure that had more to do with all the commotion than anything else. I am hoping that tomorrow will go a little smoother!! But I am really glad that her teacher Miss Christine and I talked **emailed** and set up a few things for her!!

Getting ready for her 1st day!!

Time for school!! Yay!!!

1st day!!

I'm ready!!

Oh yeah!! Ready to go!!

Waiting for the gate to open!!

Molly's cubby and name tag!!

All ready to get started!!

1st station of the day!! Chalk!! Wahoo!!

Drawing already!!
She took a "special" picture to keep in her cubby. It's just a family picture, and I wrote a little note on the back for her. But it seemed to really help her to know that we weren't just bailing on her, that we would be there at the end of her day to get her!! Crossing all my fingers and toes that this goes AWESOME!!